How To Make Recycled Toilet Paper From Scratch

How To Make Recycled Toilet Paper From Scratch


Short on time? Skip the DIY! This article explores the eco-friendly world of recycled toilet paper, but also offers a quick guide for crafty folks who want to learn how to make recycled paper from scratch with shredded paper, water, and a blender.

Ever reach for that trusty roll on your travel adventures, only to find…the dreaded empty cardboard tube mocking you? Or maybe you’re just a champion of all things DIY and the environment? Well, today, we’re embarking on a delightfully eco-friendly journey – making recycled toilet paper from scratch.

Get ready to unleash your inner paper alchemist and transform those forgotten scraps into a soft, sustainable throne essential. Explore your inner crafting champion and let’s roll into making recycled toilet paper.

What is Recycled Paper Made From?

Recycled paper is a broad term encompassing various paper products that get a second life. Here are some common sources:

  • Office Paper: Discarded printer paper, memos, and envelopes are excellent sources of recycled fiber.
  • Cardboard Boxes: We transform cardboard from packaging into usable pulp.
  • Newspaper: Recycled newspapers contribute significantly to the recycled paper pool.
  • Magazines: Though inks might need special processing, recycled magazines contribute to the mix.

But wait! Paper products come in all shapes and sizes, but not all are suitable for recycled toilet paper. Here’s what to avoid in your recycling bin for toilet paper production:

  • Food-Contaminated Paper: Skip the pizza boxes, food wrappers, used paper towels! Greasy food wrappers, pizza boxes, and used paper towels cannot be recycled into toilet paper due to hygiene concerns.
  • Wet or Moldy Paper: Moisture weakens fibers and promotes mold growth, making it unsuitable for recycling.
  • Carbon Paper and Sticky Notes: These contain materials that can’t be easily separated from the paper fibers.

Making Recycled Toilet Paper at Home (A Fun Experiment)

While large-scale production requires specialized equipment, you can try making recycled toilet paper at home as a fun experiment. Here’s a basic guide:


  • Shredded recycled paper (office paper, cardboard)
  • Large bowl
  • Blender
  • Strainer
  • Mesh screen (window screen can work)
  • Old towels (for drying)


  1. Shred the Paper: Tear or shred your recycled paper into small pieces.
  2. Soak the Paper: Place the shredded paper in a large bowl and cover it with warm water. Let it soak for 24 hours.
  3. Blend the Pulp: Drain the water and transfer the soaked paper to a blender. Add some fresh water to create a smooth pulp. Be cautious not to overload the blender.
  4. Strain the Pulp: Pour the blended pulp through a strainer to remove any large chunks.
  5. Form the Sheet: Line a flat surface with a damp towel. Use a ladle to spread the pulp evenly onto the towel, creating a thin sheet.
  6. Dehydrate the Sheet: Top the pulp layer with another damp towel and gently press out excess water. Leave it to dry overnight or use a fan to accelerate the process.
  7. Repeat and Enjoy (Kind Of): You can repeat steps 4-6 to create multiple sheets. Keep in mind, homemade recycled toilet paper might not be as soft or absorbent as commercially produced options. This is a great educational activity but not a practical solution for everyday use.

Is Recycled Toilet Paper Safe?

How To Make Recycled Toilet Paper From Scratch - Use PurePly

Absolutely! Recycled toilet paper undergoes a rigorous cleaning process to remove contaminants and is just as safe and hygienic as virgin-pulp toilet paper. Look for brands certified by reputable organizations like the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI) to ensure responsible sourcing of recycled materials.

The Benefits of Choosing Recycled TP

Most brands and consumers prefer recycled TP to those made from regular trees for a handful of eco friendly reasons:

  1. Reduces Deforestation: Recycled toilet paper uses existing paper, reducing the need to cut down trees.
  2. Lowers Environmental Impact: Less tree felling translates to less carbon footprint and soil erosion.
  3. Conserves Resources: Recycling paper utilizes existing resources efficiently, minimizing waste ending up in landfills.
  4. Sustainable Choice: Choosing recycled toilet paper shows a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Go Green At Home & Everywhere With PurePly

softest toilet paper

Sure, crafting your own recycled TP is a valiant effort, but who has the time (or the patience) to wrangle a blender and a mesh screen every time nature calls? Let’s be honest, most of us would rather spend that time, well, anywhere but the bathroom!

Here’s where PurePly swoops in like a fluffy, eco-friendly superhero. We offer premium recycled toilet paper that’s soft, strong, and kind to the planet. We use cutting-edge technology to transform recycled materials into luxurious comfort, within and away from home, minus the DIY mess.

Say no to deforestation and embrace the green dream with PurePly. Choose the recycled toilet paper that’s good for you, good for the planet, and won’t turn your bathroom into a paper mache project.

Save the trees, save your sanity. Go PurePly!


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