Can Paper Towels Decompose?

Are paper towels compostable


The answer, unfortunately, isn’t as simple as a yes or no. Paper towels are compostable only when clean. Used paper towels contain dirt, bacteria, chemicals, and toxins that are really bad for the environment. Attempting to compost used paper towels is a terrible idea.

Ah, the paper towel. A trusty sidekick in the kitchen, a valiant defender against spills, and a superhero of surface cleaning. But when it comes to the end of their absorbent adventure, we’re left pondering a crucial question: Are paper towels compostable?

Are Paper Towels Compostable?

Ever wondered where your trusty paper towel goes after its heroic battle against a spilled smoothie? Well, the answer depends on its past life. Here’s the truth: clean paper towels can become superheroes of a different kind – decomposers!

Made from wood pulp, these absorbent warriors are technically biodegradable. Think of them as fallen leaves – both break down over time, feeding the earth. This is why it is important to always make eco friendly choices when purchasing and trashing paper towels

So, if you’re tired of the paper towel vs cloth towel debate and in need of compostable paper towels made from earth friendly, then PurePly is all you need. Our paper towels are made from pure and recyclable paper products, and not trees. What this means is that we aren’t part of earth spoilers who contribute to felling 27,000 trees annually in USA – that’s how many trees it takes to make toilet paper and paper towels for the entire country.

What’s more? PurePly is also unscented and free from ink and dyes. Amazingly, you don’t need to worry about skin irritation because we chose simplicity & functionality over fanciful and sweet smelling.

Why Does Paper Towel Decompose?

Here’s the gist: plain paper towels are made from wood pulp, which is basically plant bits. These plant bits are like yummy snacks for decomposers (think microscopic munchers). So, paper towels can become compost, a fancy term for super-powered plant food!

Are paper towels compostable? Well, PurePly is

Is It Okay To Decompose Bleached And Dirty Paper Towels?

While paper towels are good soil fertilizers, it is also important to know that not all types are good composts, some deserve better adventures like the trash can.

Bleached and dirty paper towels should be avoided at all costs because they contain contaminants that can introduce toxins and germs into the soil and the environment at large. Knowing that trees are the major sources of oxygen for humans, you surely don’t want toxic gases replacing your oxygen.

As for dirty paper towels, completely trash out those contaminated with:

  • Animal or human waste
  • Viruses from illness like paper towels used for a running nose
  • Cleaning products because they contain harmful and toxic chemicals
  • Meat, butter, grease, and food leftovers because they contain anaerobic bacteria that can survive without oxygen.

Additional Tips For Composting Paper Towels

Here are some additional composting commandments for paper towel use:

  • Embrace the plain Jane: Opt for unbleached and undyed paper towels whenever possible. These natural beauties are more likely to break down smoothly in your compost.
  • Size matters: Shredding larger paper towels into smaller pieces helps them decompose faster. Think of it as giving your compost pile a delightful paper confetti party.
  • Keep it cool: Avoid composting excessive amounts of paper towels. A healthy compost pile needs a balance of “browns” (carbon-rich materials like paper) and “greens” (nitrogen-rich materials like food scraps).

In a nutshell, there’s already a huge debate on if paper towels are truly eco friendly and attempting to decompose unworthy paper towels only further tilts the argument towards the “it is not friendly” supporters. If trashing and composting paper towels properly seem like too much work for you, then please stick to reusable paper towel alternatives where all you need to do is wash and reuse.

And to all earth lovers out there, by following these tips, you can transform your paper towel habits into a force for good. Remember, composting is all about creating a healthy ecosystem for decomposition. So, choose wisely, compost responsibly, and together we can turn those used paper towels into a symphony of sustainable success!


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