Toilet Paper Over or Under: How Should it Go?

Toilet Paper Over or Under: How Should it Go?


Toilet paper: over or under? The great bathroom debate rages on! People choose “over” for hygiene and ease, while “under” fans prefer aesthetics and prevention of unrolling. The truth? It’s all about personal preference!

The age-old question has divided households and sparked countless debates: should toilet paper roll over or under? Let’s roll into this controversial topic and explore the different perspectives.

Toilet paper over or under? Whatever your style, make sure it's with a soft, septic safe and flushable toilet paper like PurePly

Should Toilet Paper Be Over or Under?

The eternal dilemma of toilet paper orientation has puzzled humanity for generations. There are passionate advocates on both sides of this divide. Some swear by the over method, claiming it’s more hygienic and prevents unrolling. Others firmly believe in the under approach, arguing it’s easier to tear off the desired amount.

The Argument For The “Over” Supporters

Several practical and psychological reasons drive people to prefer hanging TP over rather than under.

  1. Ease of Access: When the TP hangs over the roll, the loose end is readily visible and accessible. This makes it easier for users to find and grab the end, especially in dimly lit bathrooms or when in a hurry.
  2. Hygiene: A common argument is that the “over” method keeps the unused portion of the toilet paper shielded from potential contamination by airborne particles, dust, and bathroom germs.
  3. Prevents Unrolling: Many people believe the “over” method prevents the entire roll of toilet paper from unraveling when it’s accidentally bumped or pulled.
  4. Convenience in Tearing: The over orientation allows for effortless tearing of the paper. Users can quickly tear off the desired amount without fumbling or struggling with the roll.
  5. Reduced Risk of Touching the Wall: With the paper hanging over, there is less likelihood that the roll will brush against the wall or potentially transfer germs or dirt onto the paper itself.
  6. Visual Appearance: Many find that the over orientation presents a neater and more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The loose end drapes nicely in front of the roll, adding a touch of tidiness to the bathroom.

Psychological and Preference-Driven Reasons:

  1. Familiarity and Habit: Over the years, the over orientation has become the default or traditional way of hanging it for many households. People often stick to habits and preferences that feel comfortable
  2. Perceived Orderliness: Those who prefer over may associate this orientation with a sense of order and organization. It clearly shows where people expect to find and use toilet paper.
  3. Perceived Practicality: Some users believe that the over orientation reduces the chance of accidentally unraveling too much paper. They perceive it as a more controlled way of dispensing and using toilet paper.
  4. Cultural and Social Influence: Cultural norms, social media trends, and widely shared personal hygiene preferences can also shape the preference for over.

Why The “Under” Supporters Aren’t Wrong Either

Supporters of hanging toilet paper under the roll also have their own set of practical and psychological reasons for their preference:

  1. Reduced Unraveling: One of the primary arguments for under orientation is that it reduces the risk of unintentionally unraveling and unrolling too much toilet paper. Tucking the loose end behind the roll creates added tension, preventing the roll from spinning accidentally.
  2. Neater Appearance: Some believe that toilet paper hanging under the roll presents a cleaner and more streamlined appearance. Tucking the paper neatly against the wall potentially reduces visual clutter in the bathroom.
  3. Pet and Childproofing: Placing the toilet paper under can make it less accessible to pets or young children who might play with or unravel the paper if it were hanging over. This can be particularly important in households with curious pets or toddlers.
  4. Aesthetics: Many find the “under” method to be more visually appealing. Hiding the loose end of the paper behind the roll creates a cleaner and more minimalist bathroom look.
  5. Efficiency: Some argue that it’s easier to tear off the desired amount of paper when it’s hanging down.

Psychological and Preference-Driven Reasons:

  1. Preference for Tidiness: Individuals who prefer under may perceive this orientation as contributing to a tidier bathroom environment. They may find it visually appealing to have the toilet paper neatly positioned against the wall.
  2. Personal Hygiene Preferences: Some individuals prefer the under orientation due to personal hygiene reasons. They may believe it reduces the chances of the toilet paper coming into contact with potentially dirty surfaces or the wall.
  3. Breaking Tradition: Choosing under may also be a deliberate departure from the traditional over orientation. It may be a way for individuals to express their uniqueness or independence in a small, personal choice.
  4. Cultural or Household Norms: In some households or cultures, hanging TP under the roll may be the customary way of doing things. Individuals may continue this practice out of habit or to maintain consistency with established norms.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to place toilet paper over or under is a matter of personal preference. There’s no right or wrong answer, and both methods have their merits.

Toilet Paper Over or Under Personality Insights

Believe it or not, some people really think that your preferred toilet paper orientation might reveal something about your personality. These are mere stereotypes, and there’s no scientific evidence to support such claims. Regardless, here are some leading thoughts around it:

  • Organized vs. Laid-back: Over enthusiasts typically appear organized, while under supporters often seem more laid-back.
  • Attention to Detail: Those who prefer over may value ease of access, while under advocates prioritize neatness.

How to Put Toilet Paper on the Holder?

While there’s no definitive answer to the over or under question, there’s a general consensus on how to properly install the toilet paper roll. It is important because properly placing TP on the holder ensures convenience and tidiness.

As a rule of thumb, the paper should unroll from the front, making it accessible and preventing accidental unraveling. Here’s how:

  • Insert the Roll: Slide the roll onto the holder with the loose end accessible for use.
  • Secure Firmly: Secure the roll to prevent it from unraveling accidentally

Rolling Down,

PurePly Toilet paper - best septic safe and flushable toilet paper brand in USA

There are lots of opinions and myths about TP. Have you ever heard the myth about TP roll and toilet seats? It’s a hilarious story, but you shouldn’t let it bother you.

Regardless of your stance or believe about any bathroom battle, it’s essential to choose a toilet paper that is kind to your body and the environment and a stylish TP holder. PurePly toilet paper is soft, septic-safe, and flushable, made from pure, virgin wood pulp sourced from FSC certified forests.

So, the next time you encounter this age-old debate, remember, it’s all about personal preference. Enjoy your bathroom experience without stress and make a conscious choice for a sustainable future.