Sharks Tested Positive For Cocaine +More WTF Stories

PurePly's WTF Stories this week - Sharks Tested Positive For Cocaine +More WTF Stories


This week was a rollercoaster of WTF. sharks are getting high, a dude tried to smuggle drugs twice, a whale became a marine battering ram, a guy lost a finger for being a dumbass, and haunted island is up for grabs. The world is officially insane.

Disclaimer: PurepPly does not endorse any of the following activities.

Welcome to another edition of Pureply’s WTF News, where we delve into the depths of the bizarre and the unbelievable. This week, the world has truly outdone itself in providing us with jaw-dropping headlines. So, buckle up, grab a snack, and prepare to have your mind blown.

1. Sharks from Atlantic Tested Positive for Cocaine

Sharks on cocaine? We can’t even process this but Brazilian scientists can, and even go ahead to prove that truly, cocaine exists in Sharks. Are we in a real-life Ocean’s Twelve? Or maybe it’s just a sign that the party scene has gotten way out of hand. Either way, we’re officially terrified of the ocean now.

2. Man Caught Smuggling the Same Drug Twice in One Week

We’re not sure if this guy is a genius or just really, really needs money. Either way, attempting to smuggle the same substance twice in seven days is like trying to teach a fish to ride a bike. We can only imagine the TSA agent’s face when they saw him again. “Dude, seriously? Again?”

3. Six-Acre Island for Sale with a Private Beach and 15 Ghosts

We’re not sure what’s more terrifying: the prospect of living on an island alone or the idea of sharing it with 15 ghosts. We’re guessing the property value is slightly lower than average. But hey, at least you’ll never be lonely!

4. Athlete Has Part of Finger Amputated After Wife Warned Against “Rash Decision”

This one is a classic case of “I told you so.” We’re not sure what kind of rash decision involves losing a finger, but we’re guessing it wasn’t related to laundry. Hopefully, there was also enough paper towel and toilet paper to soak up all that blood – phew!

Lesson learned: listen to your wife. Always.

And there you have it, folks! Another week, another batch of mind-boggling news. Stay tuned for next week’s edition of Pureply’s WTF News, where we’ll continue to bring you the most bizarre stories from around the globe. You can also catch up last week stories and more.

What were your favorite WTF news stories this week? Share your thoughts in the comments below!